Feb 14, 2011

day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

I'm ususally the one behind the camera...this is Jack and me on a walk.
Our 1st Snow in December will have to do.

Shopping @ Ikea is most recent but again I'm behind the camera.
15 Interesting facts about Jen:
  1. My husband asked me out for our first date on Feb 16 because he thought it was too cliche to have our first date on Valentines Day.
  2. Since we moved to Chicago, my dear husband has been out of town on Valentines Day for business EVERY YEAR! (Thankfully my kids make sweet Valentines)
  3. I think this is more funny than tragic, since we enjoy showing our love for each other all year round.
  4. We have been married for 8 years
  5.  and have 3 children.
  6. We have fish for pets because of allergies to cats, our home is too small for a dog, and the kids are too small for a hamster/guinea pig/rabbit yet.
  7. The year I graduated high school, my school did Senior shirts with everyone's name printed on the back. My shirt has my name as Jennifer Moretti - when they fit the names to the graphic my last name and the next student's first name got cut. I was rather bummed by it at the time.
  8. On our first date I happened to ask John if I could see his license because I have a thing about out of state licenses.
  9. When I saw his last name, it was a strange moment when I saw Moretti. (we met at church, fairly casual, so we hadn't exchanged last names)
  10. My initials did not change when I got married.
  11. Reading and knitting compete as my top free-time fillers - I am always super excited when I find a good audiobook so I can enjoy both at the same time.
  12. Reading has been my escape when life gets to be too much since I was seven.
  13. It physically pains me when I hear someone does not like to read because I have yet to encounter a movie adaptation that can come close to the stories brought to life by my imagination at work with a great author.
  14. I love that knitting allows me to be creative and practical.
  15. My word for this year is Simplify. (or KISS = Keep It Simple Silly)
Happy Valentines Day! 
Hoping yours is full of LOVE, HAPPINESS, and CHOCOLATE!

30 Day Blog Challenge!

Saw this here (another mommyblog), looks like fun, maybe it will kick my blog back into action.

day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind your blog name
day 3- a picture of you and your friends
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere you've been to
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you love
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- your last five facebook status'
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- your favorite song