Apr 6, 2005

My Momma's Comin to Town!

So my mom called last night while we were watching House M.D. - which isnt generally a good idea because that is one of the few enjoyable shows that catches my attention [*gasp* even from knitting] However, she was relating her booking info and I am so excited [I just cant hide it :) (hee, hee)] She'll be coming in on Apr 20th, and leaving May 2nd; so we will have 11 wonderful days of her actually being here! Hooray!

I figured since she already has a general idea of what I'm making her, I'll relieve the suspense for some of you...it is another short sleeve top that has raglan shaped sleeves, it can be found in the Creative Knitting Magazine May issue, it is called "Upbeat Top". DH thinks it may be "too young" for her...but I think it is just that he 1st saw it on a young model...I guess we'll see once it is finished. - mom doesnt get this magazine, so she'd have to go out of her way to see the design (and the website is still showing the previous issue, I just checked) The project is coming along fine now! Now that I finally bit the bullet and settled on this pattern - this will be the 2nd time I use the actual yarn called for in a pattern!

Well, Gracie's calling! Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

phoenix_anew said...

Hi, Jen!
Just wanted to let you know that the knitting bear is available from Avon. I don't think it's up on the site yet, but if you'd like to order her when it is ...


Then you can have it shipped directly to you, too! If you have any problems, or would like me to ship one to you, let me know, k? It would be $19.99 + shipping & handling. Thanks!