Aug 19, 2010

A New School Year

Guess who is very excited to go back to school!

Another school year has begun. And I have one very happy 1st grader. She loves her teacher, a few friends from last year are in her class this year and the rest she can play with at lunch. The first day was a half day so I'm looking forward to hearing all about how fun lunch and recess are. I should not be so surprised but this little girl is so excited to be at school all day now and is looking forward to a great school year.

Now I get to figure out what to do with the other two and work out our new schedule. I'm seeing Thursday playdates with the cousins and a checking of Library Storytime schedules in the future. As for today, I have some running around to do to get ready to pamper daddy this weekend. He's going to deserve it.


Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

She is so beautiful! Did she grow over the summer? :)

Jen said...

Thank you! Oh my goodness, yes she has!!! It's amazing and I'm so thankful I get to be home with her. Even with all the time we spend together, she still surprises me daily :)