Yeah!!! 2006 is here!!!
I'm excited about this because I'm very glad to have 2005 behind me. It wasnt a horrible year, but it wasnt the best year either so I'm very happy to have a fresh start.
Good thing #1 ~ I am no longer horribly home sick. I do still miss my family and friends very much, but I dont want to throw up anymore when I think about how much I miss them.
Good thing #2 ~ Gracie got a potty chair for Christmas...which means the end is in sight of diaper duty. I would very much like to not have 2 children in diapers at once and we do plan on baking her a sibling in the near future. Which brings me to...
Good thing #3 ~ We will decide this year when to make our family grow. As much as I am a little nervous about this because I didnt take the hormonal fluxes very well last time, I really want a sibling for Gracie and I'm holding out hope for a better pregnancy this time around.
Good thing #4 ~ I am very comfortable with my knitting now, it is like breathing to me, so I am very much looking forward to what my hands/mind will create this year. I hope to get braver with designing my own patterns this year. I've already started tweaking other's patterns and I'm starting to get the math and structure down :)
Good thing #5 ~ I've finally met some moms in the area and I look forward to our playdates and mommy night outs. The best part is we get to chat everyday online and then get together when our schedules allow, so it is very flexible and just what I need right now. Plus I really want Gracie to start working on her social skills. I'm also realizing that I really need this myself and have already become much happier with myself now that I've found this outlet.
Here are some things I am going to accomplish this year (goals, not resolutions, because resolutions are broken too easily ;))
Goal #1 I will pause before I speak this year. I keep interrupting and/or talking over others, and I dont want to do that anymore. I am hoping this will also help me clean up my mouth - when I get tired/frustrated I curse (shocking I know) and lets just say I've been rather tired/frustrated lately and that paired with Gracie expanding her vocabulary is not good.
This "pause" will also hopefully stop/reduce the amount of hot-headed rudeness that I express towards my hubby
(and unfortunately from time to time Gracie) by allowing me to realize what I'm saying before I say it.
penalty - 10 cents for every curse word, I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do about the other stuff, just try real hard for now,
I'll update when I come up with something.
Goal #2 I will do at least one fair isle/intarsia project by summer. I am very intrigued by colorwork, the biggest thing holding me back so far is probably budget because if I'm going to put that much work in a project I dont want it in acrylic. So I'll probably be placing my 1st order with
KnitPicks this year :)
penalty -
havent come up with one yet...other than if not done by summer, I will have to purchase project for my birthday and not allow myselft to work on anything else until it gets rolling.
may update laterGoal #3 I will design something that I can share on this site for free. I want to show my appreciation for other blogger's free patterns by offering one of my own. I will also appreciate any feedback generated by the project.
penalty - this one will either happen or not
Goal #4 I will blog at least once a week, with an aim for getting back to every/every other day. I really have a passion for blogging, I enjoy this outlet and love "meeting" other knitbloggers. Lately my very mobile toddler and my knitting obsession have just gotten in the way of making it to the keyboard (I am a loyal reader of many though - but I need to comment more).
penalty - I will have to blog before I can read my bloglines if I fall behind.
Goal #5 I will do better at keeping in touch with my friends. I get "too involved" in my own life and let too many weeks/months pass without emails/calls and I need to do a better job of letting my friends know how much they mean to me.
penalty - If I dont naturally get better at this I'm going to have to make "dates" on the calendar and hope this gets the ball rolling for it to become more frequent and not "required"
So that's what I have going so far, I also hope to read more books this year, and get some non-fiction in there, but I've always read a lot so that isnt much of a goal, it is more an effort towards intentionally reading instead of reverting to old habit.
Happy New Year! Knit something!